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School Racism Reporting Tool
This anonymous tool is intended for Canadian public, Catholic, and private school board employees to report incidences of racism perpetrated by colleagues, school staff, board trustees, and other upper-level board employees. This information will be used by PoBC in order to collect information and advocate for boards to formally collect data on incidents of anti-Black racism. This form is considered confidential and can be completed without providing your name/email. The submission of this form is merely a method to share your story; there is no guarantee that you will be contacted by a member of PoBC. Your email address will not be used for any purpose other than contacting you and is not mandatory. As a board employee (and potentially a union member), please be reminded that you are still expected to perform any reporting duties to those bodies as necessary. We are in no way affiliated with any school board or union. The purpose of this form is SOLELY to allow PoBC further insight into the realities of anti-Black racism in schools.
This form is intended for education workers/board employees only. If you are a parent looking to report a specific incident that has affected your child or are looking to be contacted for guidance, please follow the link below to go back to the Parents of Black Children website Systems Navigator page.
I understand
By completing this form, I consent to have this information, including personally identifying information, shared with Parents of Black Children.
I agree
Is this your first time reporting with this tool?
What school board are you reporting?
Please select an option
Algoma District School Board
Algonquin and Lakeshore DSB
Avon Maitland DSB
Bluewater DSB
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic DSB
Bruce-Grey Catholic DSB
CDSB of Eastern Ontario
CS Viamonde
CS catholique MonAvenir
CS public du Grand Nord de l'Ontario
CSD du Nord-Est de l'Ontario
CSDC Franco-Nord
CSDC de l'Est ontarien
CSDC des Aurores boréales
CSDC des Grandes Rivières
CSDC du Centre-Est de l'Ontario
CSDC du Nouvel-Ontario
Conseil scolaire catholique Providence
Consortium Centre Jules-Léger
CÈP de l'Est de l'Ontario
DSB Niagara
DSB Ontario North East
Dufferin-Peel Catholic DSB
Durham Catholic DSB
Durham District School Board
Grand Erie DSB
Greater Essex County DSB
Halton Catholic DSB
Halton DSB
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic SB
Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
Hastings & Prince Edward DSB
Huron Perth Catholic DSB
Huron-Superior Catholic DSB
James Bay Lowlands SSB
Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
Keewatin-Patricia DSB
Kenora Catholic DSB
Lakehead District School Board
Lambton Kent DSB
Limestone DSB
London District Catholic School Board
Moose Factory Island DSAB
Moosonee DSAB
Near North DSB
Niagara Catholic DSB
Nipissing-Parry Sound DSB
Northeastern Catholic DSB
Northwest Catholic DSB
Ottawa Catholic DSB
Ottawa-Carleton DSB
Peel District School Board
Penetanguishene PSSB
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic DSB
Rainbow DSB
Rainy River DSB
Renfrew County Catholic DSB
Renfrew County DSB
Simcoe County DSB
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic DSB
St Clair Catholic DSB
Sudbury Catholic DSB
Superior North Catholic DSB
Superior-Greenstone DSB
Thames Valley DSB
Thunder Bay Catholic DSB
Toronto Catholic DSB
Toronto District Schoolboard
Trillium Lakelands DSB
Upper Canada DSB
Upper Grand DSB
Waterloo Catholic DSB
Waterloo Region DSB
Wellington Catholic DSB
Windsor-Essex Catholic DSB
York Catholic DSB
York Region DSB
What is your role in the school system?
Principal/Vice Principal
Office Admin/Secretary
Board Employee
If you selected "Other", please specify.
I identify as... (please feel free to self-identify if you do not see your race/identity represented)
Asian/Southeast Asian
First Nations/Metis/Indian
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Mixed Race
Who is this issue regarding? Select all that apply.
A colleague
A principal/vice principal
Senior board leadership
Board trustee
School resource officer/police in schools
A parent
If you selected "Other", please specify.
On what date did the incident take place? (If you don't remember specific dates, select the first day of the month in which the incident occurred)
Which of the following would best describe the nature of the incident? Select all that apply.
Racist bullying between students that is not being appropriately dealt with
Myself or a colleague facing reprimand for trying to dismantle anti-Black racism or champion social justice initiatives
Anti-Black actions/comments perpetrated by a teacher towards a colleague
Anti-Black actions/comments perpetrated by a principal/senior board staff towards a staff member
Anti-Black actions/comments perpetrated by a teacher towards a student
Anti-Black actions/comments perpetrated by a principal/senior board staff towards a student
Anti-Black actions/comments perpetrated by a parent towards a student/staff member
Disproportionate discipline directed towards Black students by a principal
Anti-Black classroom activities/assignments
Myself or a colleague being denied promotion, hiring, movement, or career advancement due to advocacy against anti-Black racism
Myself or a colleague being denied promotion, hiring, movement, or career advancement due to discrimination on the basis of race/ethnicity
Unfair referral of a child to child welfare services
Issues related to racism perpetrated by child welfare services towards a student
Issues related to police in schools
Anti-Black actions/comments perpetrated by a student towards a staff member
If you selected "Other", please specify.
Where did the incident take place? Select all that apply.
In the school building (non-classroom)
In the classroom
Over email
On general school property
In the community
If you selected "Other", please specify.
Please describe your story/situation below. Be as specific and detailed as possible.
Have you already raised your concerns with your SCHOOL BOARD?
If you selected "Other", please specify.
Have you already raised your concerns with your UNION?
If you selected "Other", please specify.
If you HAVE raised your concerns with your SCHOOL BOARD, were you satisfied with the way the situation was handled?
If you selected "Other", please specify.
If you HAVE raised your concerns with your UNION, were you satisfied with the way the situation was handled?
N/A as I am not a union member
If you selected "Other", please specify.
If you HAVE NOT raised your concerns with your SCHOOL BOARD, why? Select all that apply.
Fear of reprisal
I do not know what process to follow in order to report
I don't think the situation is serious enough to formally report
I believe it happened too long ago for me to report
I didn’t report because I don’t have faith that anything will happen
I didn't report because I don't believe the board has sufficient knowledge of anti-Black racism to respond appropriately
If you selected "Other", please specify.
If you HAVE NOT raised your concerns with your UNION, why? Select all that apply.
Fear of reprisal
I do not know what process to follow in order to report
I don't think the situation is serious enough to formally report
I believe it happened too long ago for me to report
I didn't report because I don't believe the union has sufficient knowledge of anti-Black racism to respond appropriately
It is not a union issue
If you selected "Other", please specify.
If you HAVE already raised concerns with your SCHOOL BOARD please describe what steps (if any) have been taken to address your concerns so far.
. If you HAVE already raised concerns with your UNION please describe what steps (if any) have been taken to address your concerns so far.
I confirm that everything described above it true and has been accurately reported to the best of my abilities.
I agree
I understand that I still have a responsibility to report the information described above to my school/board/union/regulatory body. I understand that disclosing this information here is purely for data collection on the part of PoBC and does not qualify as formal reporting.
I agree
If you are open to being contacted about your story, please leave your name. This information will be kept strictly confidential.
Would you like to be contacted about your story?
First Name
Last Name