The Marisol Lanteigne Fund is managed by the Fondation communautaire de la Péninsule acadienne and helps families of sick children in the Acadian Peninsula.

A short story of Princess Marisol

Marisol is the daughter of Serge Lanteigne and Caroline Chiasson from Shippagan, New Brunswick. She was born on May 26, 2012 in Bathurst Hospital thinking she was in good health, but the verdict was handed down 2 days later. Marisol has hydrocephalus and was rushed to the IWK Hospital in Halifax by plane. She has a surgery to install a shunt tube. The same day, we noticed that she had one eye smaller than the other, verdict, she is blind. After 6 weeks of good care in Halifax, we returned home. Very quickly, we noticed that Marisol had no strength, she moved very little. It took several months of running hospitals to determine the cause of the problem. At the age of about 2 years, Marisol had a surgery where she suffered cardiac arrest, caused by a drug, it took 15 minutes to revive her. This incident caused the genetics department at IWK to speed up the process to determine which disease Marisol was suffering from. A few months later, we learn that Marisol has Muscle Eye Brain Syndrome (MEB). It is a very rare form of muscular dystrophy with a life expectancy of between 6 and 12 years. From 2 years until her death on December 27, 2018 at the age of 6 years and 7 months, Marisol traveled more than 36,000 km to visit specialists in different hospitals. Either the Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Center, IWK Hospital in Halifax, Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, Center hospitalier de l'Université Laval in Quebec, Stan Cassidy Rehabilitation Center in Fredericton, as well as several months of hospitalization. These trips are very expensive, which is why the Marisol Lanteigne Fund aims to provide financial assistance to families on the Acadian Peninsula with a sick child. Thank you very much for your generosity. Serge, Caroline and our guardian angel, Marisol.